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Siccura Cybershield

Test Your IT Infrastructure

Risk of Phishing Attacks and others can only be accessed by looking at the IT infrastructure. Siccura Cybershield conducts a comprehensive evaluation of your existing set up.

Identify And Reduce Risks Of Threats

In The Business

Siccura Cybershield gives you an indepth analysis of how your IT infrastructure is, and what is required to ensure that your business data and communications are locked and in control.

The E-mail and Internet Malware filter test gives you an insight on how your mail server and web proxy handle variations of potentially dangerous file types. From this you can see whether potential malicious codes are detected and blocked by the infrastructure. Based on this, you can carry out targeted phishing campains to close discovered weaknesses.

To reduce the risk of Malware, you’ll need a safe and effective way to test the system. Siccura Cybershield’s Malware Simulation Toolkit gives you tools to emulate various threats which are used by hackers.

Test. Test. Test
Every Part Of Your Business

Siccura Cybershield Provides You With A Suite Of The Following Test.

Malware Testing Toolkit

Create simulated threats to understand the weaknesses in the organisation’s network.

Mail and Web Filter Test

Find out which file types and attachments can be downloaded and filtered from the web.

Client Vulnerability Detection

Locally test client browsers and detect vulnerabilities.

Spoofing Test

Test own infrastructure for e-mail spoofing vulnerabilities.

Get Started Today?​

Sign up to Siccura Cybershield and we’ll help you keep your business secure, and your employees as your defenders.​

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